Astronomy Observatory

For the purpose of popularizing Astronomical and small scale research and to make student’s observer the Astronomical Events and their data collection is the aim of this section. During night stay one can observe night sky with naked eyes and through telescope. There are around 20 different instruments on which the Amateur Astronomer of the organization are working on with. Some of their instruments are really interesting like the model to understand the Moon phases, in this model we see all the phases of moon in just one cycle.

There is also facility of showing the 2D images of the 3D models of Constellations. At present study work is going on the Principal of Motion given by scientist Johannes Keplar and a model is being developed to understand it. Schools students are being made introduce to all this research & experiments during their school visit made at Park.

Research works on projects the likes Meteor Observation, Asteroid Observation, Comet Observation, Stars Observations, Solar Observation, etc. is been done in collaboration with some National and International Organizations of the World. At Nature Park’s observatory there is a Newtonian telescope of 12 inches diameter which is been donated by British Gas Oil Pvt. Ltd. and made by Astronomer of Madras Prof. P.Devdas. Besides this there is also a Cesegrain telescope of 8 inches and a Newtonian telescope of 5 inches.

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